Saturday, January 3, 2015

Broken Links

OK, we were off to a great start but - as per usual, unfortunately - we got sidelined last month due to holidays and some personal issues, so we're still pretty deep in the renovation process. This is going to result in broken links for the immediate future - probably a whole, whole lot of them - as we're making some sweeping changes, most specifically to the blogs structure.

Prior, we had a directory under which all of the blogs were housed as sub-directories. That works but a lot of the blogs now host pictures and files on their own, so it's no longer necessary. It also interferes with blogs that are hosted on the site itself, such as this one; those blogs demand their own directories off the main tree - at least they used to.

See, our hosting company has also changed the way it handles things and we aren't as up-to-date on those changes as we should be, so we're at that point where we have to stop and RTFM before we start changing things, lest we screw it all up.

So, although we've done fairly well with keeping the broken links to a minimum thus far, you should definitely expect them now. We'll do our best but this takes a lot of planning and care and it's easy to mess it up.


© 2015, The Weirding

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